It is great just to be able to stay home today and let my mail wagon (The Snow Queen) rest. Why did I name my 2008 4WD Ford Escape after the "Snow Queen?" I bought this vehicle in hopes that she would carry me safely through the ice and snow that Texas has been experiencing these past winters. I am hoping to psych her out. My Rural route is 100 miles daily and she is definitely the Queen, as we roll through the countryside and the bumpy neglected country roads.
I have to remain faithful to the U.S. Postal Creed whether I want to or not. The bills have to be paid and grumbling tummies fed. LOL:
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
Okay enough of that. Now a little bit about me. My name is Kathy. I am a 57 years young (Ha!) crafty and creative artist and rural mail carrier for the U.S. Post Office. I am happily married; have 4 kids; 5 grand-kids; 2 dogs and a cat. This crew are not just numbers. They are my family. Today I am just writing a little bit about these awesome people and pets that make up my life, but more will follow as I experience this new world of blogging. Watch out family! Whatever you do daily may end up my blog topic of the day.
No rest for me today. I have a Thanksgiving meal to cook. Today it will be just my husband Dewain and I, and hopefully my son Shane and one of our daughters Shellene and our granddaughter Addyson. (3 years old). My daughter Katrina; my twin grand-daughters Morgan and McKenna (11 years old) and my daughter's boyfriend Todd are spending Thanksgiving at Disney this year. Lucky them. I was invited to go, but the post office had other plans for me. I have never been to Disney, but that is on my Bucket list.
I have been invited to have Thanksgiving with my husband's family bunch, but I just do not like to go to family outings without him. And I am also pretty sad this year and do not want to bring others down. My Dad recently passed away and this is my first Thanksgiving without him and other members of my immediate family.
So today I will be cutting this blog short as I need to go and prepare a dinner for this home. Dewain and I got together and decided to make things we really like to eat and although we tried to pick out healthy dishes our dinner is mostly consisting on fatty; starchy foods and rich desserts. Here is what I am going to cook:
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We will have a delicious Sam's Choice Spiral Ham. My husband's favorite ham.[/caption]
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An oven roasted turkey that is 3/4 thawed at this moment. LOL[/caption]
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Cream-Cheesy Macaroni & Cheese[/caption]
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Mouth-watering new potatoes and green beans. I am going to use the golden potatoes instead of the red this year.[/caption]
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This 2 Corn Stuffing recipe will be our stuffing![/caption]
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My daughter Katrina is normally the deviled egg maker, but I will be making these since she is at Disney.[/caption]
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Brown and serve rolls this year instead of yeast rolls.[/caption]
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This is a new recipe for me to try this year. I normally make pies, but husband wanted this.[/caption]
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I might make these instead of the earthquake cake. I'm not sure yet.[/caption]
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I have a lot to be Thankful for. By writing this blog I hope to express that and to be able to show you my creative side of life also. But today I must go and cook and spend time with my family and pets. No rolling through the country for me and the Snow Queen today. "Today I am Thankful Not to Roll"[/caption]
I am not sure how to connect the recipes to the photos yet. I have a lot to learn, but I am time limited today, so ths will have to do. If you want the recipes, visit my Pinterest and go to
Thanksgiving Lite and Healthy Cooking
Well if I knew it was going to post all of those pictures I would have not taken the time to do this. Ha! I just want to close with
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Be Happy with what you have. There are some that are less fortunate and would love to just have food and shelter. Wow... now I feel guilty about the food thing. :-( Thank you God! I am truly blessed.[/caption]