Super Hemp Raw Shelled Organic Hemp Seeds
When I first saw this product for review I was not sure if I wanted to try it or not. So once again I went to Google and reviewed the product to see exactly what it was and if it could be harmful. I was trying to see if this was legal or if it would get me fired from my mail carrier job.
This is the good news that I found out:
Even though hemp is marijuana's cousin, hemp seeds contain no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the psychoactive substance in marijuana. Approximately 44% of the weight of hemp seed is edible oils, containing about 80% essential fatty acids (EFAs); e.g., linoleic acid, omega-6 (LA, 55%), alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 (ALA, 22%), in addition to gamma-linolenic acid, omega-6 (GLA, 1–4%) and stearidonic acid, omega-3 (SDA, 0–2%). Proteins (including edestin) are the other major component (33%). Hempseed's amino acid profile is comparable to other sources of protein such as meat, milk, eggs and soy. So all of this is good news!
My Review:
I really like them and I am glad I tried them. I use them like nuts and sprinkle them on a lot of different things. They do have a light buttery nut-like flavor and blend easily into desserts, breads, pancakes, granola bars and other baked goods. I have sprinkled Hemp on my salads and cereal. mmmmm
And now you can get some for free: (I can not start the contest until 1/9/2015, so please come back!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway">
And if you want some right now, visit this link:
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This sounds really good I may get some for my grand kids to try they love nuts.